Portfolio Idea Wizard is a simple 3-step process that allows you to create optimal portfolios from existing investing ideas. Macroaxis themes use dynamic set of algorithms to aggregate related companies, funds, and ETFs based on several common attributes such as their riskiness, expected returns, areas of operation, size and others. Themes are evaluated daily and may exclude significant number of statistical outliers. You can preview any theme listed on this page at any time by hovering over the theme and clicking on 'Preview' link. To select the theme to participate in your portfolio origination process, hover over the theme and click 'Select' link. To create a new portfolio using specified themes you first need to be registered and active Macroaxis user (either freemium or premium). Once your account is activated, creating a portfolio from existing themes is easy:
Complete all 3 steps and click 'Create Portfolio' button
Name your portfolio
Click OK button
You do not need to worry too much about which of the optional attributes to select when creating portfolios. As you continue using our service you will learn and develop your own methodology on how to utilize various filtering options to create your personal and unique portfolio management system.
Please note, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange (AMEX) have recently merged. Although Macroaxis has implemented solutions to handle this transition gracefully, you may still find some securities that may not be fully transferred from one exchange to another.

Portfolio Idea Wizard


Where would you like to invest?

 Select up to 4 Investing ideas you are interested in investing

Artificial Intelligence

Firms and funds that are developing tools for artificial intelligence

Robots And Drones

Cross-sector firms and funds that develop or invest in technology that can replicate repetitive human actions

Corona Opportunity

Coronavirus related entities to consider during and after the outbreak

Macroaxis Index

Macroaxis power theme of selected equities with solid fundamentals

Disruptive Technologies

Firms and ETFs that are involved or betting on industries or trends that are projected to experience exponential growth

Millennials Best

Firms that are involved in making products or providing services to millennials

Social Domain

Companies that are actively involved or directly contribute to the development of various social networking technologies

Driverless Cars

Large and mid-sized firms, as well as ETFs that are involved in or betting on the self-driving cars market

Climate Change

A subset of companies across different industries and markets, that have embraced or working towards promoting renewable energy equipment, product, or services

Dividend Beast

Solid, dividend-paying stocks and ETFs

Trump Equities

Companies that have responded positively to Trump presidency


Entities with exposure to distribution of Marijuana

Hedge Favorites

Investment assets that are popular or favored by hedge funds


Special purpose acquisition companies alos known as 'Blank Check Companies'

Online Gaming

Equities that are involved in online gaming space

Video Games

Equities that are involved in video gaming space

Adviser Favorites

Equities that are favored by financial advisors

Cash Cows

Companies that have the ability to maintain consistent cash flow over time


Companies involved in production or distribution of medical cannabis

Alternative Energy

Companies, funds and ETFs that are involved in development and popularizing of alternative energy


Strong penny or near-penny equities

Obamacare Repeal

Large healthcare related equities associated with Obamacare

Israel Wall Street

Large Israel companies traded on major USA exchanges

Gold and Gold Mining

Stocks, funds, and ETFs that are involved in producing or trading gold across different geographical areas


Equities that are issued by public entities related to gambling services or online betting technology

Monster Funds

Funds with above average long term performance indicators

Aggressive Defence

Small capitalization, high growth potential companies

ESG Investing

Companies that promote environmental, social, and governance factors during their day-to-day operations

SRI Sustainable Growth

Large and mid-sized companies that operate under the guidelines of socially responsible investing - SRI

Tech Growth

Large and mid-sized technology companies, funds, and technology-based ETFs that are considered growing

Cancer Fighters

Public companies from health care and pharmaceutical sectors that are focused on fighting cancer

Warren Buffett Holdings

Equities that Berkshire Hathaway invests in via either BRK-A or BRK-B common stocks

Power Assets

High potential, large capitalization stocks theme

Russia On Wall Street

Large and mid-size Russian entities traded in the United States

Baby Boomer Prospects

Mega stocks, funds and ETFs that tend to appeal to people considering retirement from the work force


Equities that are issued by public entities related to physical casinos and gambling services or online betting games

Giant Impact

Public companies with mega capitalization


A collection of large financial service, investment, and banking companies

Military Industrial

Active national defense contractors that are involved either directly or indirectly in support of the US military operations


Cross-industry collection of firms that are adopting blockchain technology

USD Crypto Fund

Cryptocurrency traded in US dollars


Macroaxis long run momentum stocks


Macroaxis evolving impulse stocks

Macroaxis Picks

Macroaxis daily picks

Measuring and Control Equipment

USA Equities from Measuring and Control Equipment industry as classified by Fama & French

Steel Works Etc

USA Equities from Steel Works Etc industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Trading industry as classified by Fama & French

Real Estate

USA Equities from Real Estate industry as classified by Fama & French

Business Services

USA Equities from Business Services industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Retail industry as classified by Fama & French

Non-Metallic and Industrial Metal Mining

USA Equities from Non-Metallic and Industrial Metal Mining industry as classified by Fama & French

Petroleum and Natural Gas

USA Equities from Petroleum and Natural Gas industry as classified by Fama & French

Electrical Equipment

USA Equities from Electrical Equipment industry as classified by Fama & French

Pharmaceutical Products

USA Equities from Pharmaceutical Products industry as classified by Fama & French

Beer and Liquor

USA Equities from Beer and Liquor industry as classified by Fama & French

Construction Materials

USA Equities from Construction Materials industry as classified by Fama & French

Printing and Publishing

USA Equities from Printing and Publishing industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Entertainment industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Aircraft industry as classified by Fama & French

Automobiles and Trucks

USA Equities from Automobiles and Trucks industry as classified by Fama & French

Food Products

USA Equities from Food Products industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Wholesale industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Utilities industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Insurance industry as classified by Fama & French

Precious Metals

USA Equities from Precious Metals industry as classified by Fama & French

Almost Nothing

USA Equities from Almost Nothing industry as classified by Fama & French

Rubber and Plastic Products

USA Equities from Rubber and Plastic Products industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Machinery industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Healthcare industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Banking industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Agriculture industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Construction industry as classified by Fama & French

Personal Services

USA Equities from Personal Services industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Chemicals industry as classified by Fama & French

Medical Equipment

USA Equities from Medical Equipment industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Transportation industry as classified by Fama & French

Shipping Containers

USA Equities from Shipping Containers industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Coal industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Communication industry as classified by Fama & French

Electronic Equipment

USA Equities from Electronic Equipment industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Computers industry as classified by Fama & French

Consumer Goods

USA Equities from Consumer Goods industry as classified by Fama & French

Restaraunts Hotels Motels

USA Equities from Restaraunts Hotels Motels industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Recreation industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Apparel industry as classified by Fama & French

Business Supplies

USA Equities from Business Supplies industry as classified by Fama & French

Tobacco Products

USA Equities from Tobacco Products industry as classified by Fama & French

Candy and Soda

USA Equities from Candy and Soda industry as classified by Fama & French

Shipbuilding Railroad Equipment

USA Equities from Shipbuilding Railroad Equipment industry as classified by Fama & French

Fabricated Products

USA Equities from Fabricated Products industry as classified by Fama & French


USA Equities from Defense industry as classified by Fama & French

Banks - Regional

USA Equities from Banks - Regional industry as classified by Fama & French

Utilities - Regulated Electric

USA Equities from Utilities - Regulated Electric industry as classified by Fama & French

USD Crypto Assets

Cryptocurrency traded in US Dollar


Car makers, trucks manufacturing, auto dealerships, and auto parts

Soft Drinks

Soft drinks beverages and refreshments


Beers and other brewer beverages


Wines, Hard liqueur and other alcoholic beverages


Tobacco and tobacco products


Electronic manufacturers

Natural Foods

Natural food products and food packaging

Processed Foods

Processed food products and food packaging


Furniture manufacturers


Farming products and equipment


Housewares products and accessories


Toys and games products


Apparel products and textile accessories

Sport Products

Sporting goods sport accessories


Rubber and plastics accessories


Recreational activity goods, foods, and accessories

Office Supplies

Office products, supplies, and accessories


Cleaning products, supplies, and accessories

Chemicals Makers

Chemicals for crops, soil, human, and animals


Aluminum production


Copper production


Computers production and distribution


Software, software systems, and software services

Basic Utilities

Electric, gas, water, and other energy utilities


Synthetics production and silicon


Steel and Iron production


Silver mining and silver goods production

Heavy Metals

Industrial metals and minerals

Oil And Gas

Oil And Gas drilling, production, pipelines, and equipment

Communication Services

Networking, telecom, long distance carriers, and other communication services

Data Storage

Data Storage

Health Management

Healthcare providers, hospitals


Drug manufacturing and delivery


Information technology and IT services


Internet Service Providers


Wireless technology and communications


Semiconductor materials and production


Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals production and services


All money banks and credit services


Money and asset management including investment banking

Insurance Providers

All types of insurance and insurance brokerages

Diversified Assets

All types of close end funds


All types of stores and shopping markets


Hotels and motels


Advertising and advertising agencies


Major domestic and international airlines


Air services and air delivery


Books, newspapers, periodicals, and publishing

Music and Video

Music, video and movies


Entertainment industry and show business


Marketing services and PR


Management services


Railroads and Railways


Outsourcing and staffing services


Restaurants, Coffee Shops and other eateries


Rental and leasing services


Banks, insurance companies, or other financial institutions

Raw Materials

Basic materials and raw inventory production


Goods sold for consumption


Healthcare institutions that deliver medical services


Manufacturing of goods across different domains

Investor Favorites

Equities most commonly found in portfolios of money managers


Intangible goods delivered to businesses and consumers


Research or development of technologically based good


Basic necessities for public or businesses


Tutoring, learning, and education services


Addiction driven consumer products and services

Real Estate

Real estate development, management and trading including REIT funds


Waste management, pollution control, and recycling


Companies that count on Obamacare to take off


Sporting goods retailers and sporting activities firms

Munis Funds

Funds of local and national municipal bonds

Small Value Funds

Funds with small to mid capitalization value equities

Small Growth Funds

Funds with small to mid capitalization growth equities

Small Blend Funds

Funds with small to mid capitalization growth and value assets

Large Value Funds

Funds with large capitalization value equities

Large Growth Funds

Funds with large capitalization growth equities

Large Blend Funds

Funds with large capitalization growth and value instruments

Emerging Markets Funds

Funds with instruments from emerging markets

Junk Bonds Funds

Funds with bonds rated BB or lower

Government Funds

Funds investing in government bonds or debt instruments

Corporate Bonds Funds

Funds investing in corporate debt instruments

Realty Funds

Funds investing in real estate backed instruments

Energy Funds

Funds investing in energy sector, natural resources, and Ecology

Precious Metals Funds

Funds investing in various precious metals

Money Market Funds

Funds investing in money market instruments or bank loans

Convertibles Funds

Funds investing in convertibles debt instruments

Long Short Funds

Funds investing in assets with both short and long positions

Tech Funds

Funds investing in technology

Hybrid Mix Funds

Funds investing in combination of stocks, bonds and money market instruments

Aggressive Funds

Funds investing in instruments and high expected return and risk

Moderate Funds

Funds with moderate expected return and risk

Conservative Funds

Funds with low risk and low expected return

Exotic Funds

Funds investing in derivates and alternative instruments

Money Funds

Funds investing in financial sector

Healthcare Funds

Funds investing in healthcare

Market Neutral Funds

Funds investing in market neutral instruments

Consumer Funds

Funds investing in consumer services companies

Currency Funds

Funds investing in currencies

Commodities Funds

Funds investing in commodities

World Allocation Funds

Funds investing in large global markets

Crypto And Gold

Gold and Gold-related entities mixed with cryptocurrencies


The most popular digital assets traded in US Dollars on cryptocurrency exchanges across the globe

Most Shorted Equities

Top equities that went up in price in the last 24 hours

Latest Gainers

The most shorted assets that are currently trending

Latest Losers

The most shorted assets that are currently trending


What is your investment style and typical risk mood?

 Specify your current investing sentiment to the best of your knowledge

Risk Tolerance


How much are you willing to put into this portfolio?

 Specify your current available budget. It can be completely arbitrary number.

How many positions would you like to take?

Let us know how many positions you would like to be originated for this portfolio

What is your budget?

Specify your currently available budget. We will allocate the positions as close to your budget as possible.

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