Return On Equity

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Indicator Description

For most industries, Return on Equity between 10% and 30% are considered desirable to provide dividends to owners and have funds for the future growth of the company. Investors should be very careful using ROE as the only efficiency indicator because ROE can be high if a company is heavily leveraged.

Return On Equity


Net Income

Total Equity

Return on Equity or ROE tells company stockholders how effectually their money is being utilized or reinvested. It is a useful ratio when analyzing company profitability or the management effectiveness given the capital invested by the shareholders. ROE shows how efficiently a company utilizes investments to generate income.

Return On Equity In A Nutshell

Return on Equity indicator provides good insight as to how shareholders dollars are being used by the firm. If a company's ROE grows over time, it's a good sign that its management has found ways to generate income without much of new capital moving forward. On the other hand, if company's ROE is continuously falling, it could be a sign of upcoming financial distress.

Return on equity is one of the most important measures of the profitability of a firm. Higher ROE are generally favorable to investors because it may imply that the company is more efficient in generating profits. Investors should always check the trend in ROE over time because relying solely on ROE for investment decisions is not always safe. For example it can be artificially influenced by the management or corporate insiders to increase ROE even if revenues and profits remain constant.

Closer Look at Return On Equity

Return on Equity (ROE) shows how efficiently a given company uses shareholders money to generate revenues, profits, and grow the firm. Investors want to see significant returns on their invested capital because this would indicate that the company is using their money effectively. In general the higher the ROE to more satisfied investors are with the current management, so the higher ratios are almost always better than lower ratios. However, since every industry has different criteria for income and profit expectations, ROE cannot be used to compare companies outside of their sectors and industry classifications. Also, company growth that can be derived from a higher ROE does not always get passed onto the investors. If the company decides to retain these profits, the shareholders will only realize this gain by having an appreciated stock and will rely on market timing strategies to realize their investments.

Return on equity is calculated by taking all earnings and dividing them by the average shareholder equity for that accounting period. The income or loss numbers usually come from the company's most recent filing with the SEC or simply from the latest Income Statement. The shareholder-equity numbers can be found on the balance sheet and that represents the assets that the business has generated.

Note that many investors like to also calculate both the beginning and ending ROEs, which allows them to determine the change in profitability over the period. This is an important indicator of company future profitability. To calculate the change in return on equity for a specified period investors use the shareholders equity numbers from the beginning of that period as a denominator to determine the beginning Return on Equity. Then, the end-of-period shareholders equity can be used as the denominator to determine the ending ROE. This also can demonstrate that companies with a negative ROE may not always be a bad investment as their future my look much brighter overall.

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Analyzing currently trending equities could be an opportunity to develop a better portfolio based on different market momentums that they can trigger. Utilizing the top trending stocks is also useful when creating a market-neutral strategy or pair trading technique involving a short or a long position in a currently trending equity.

Generate Optimal Portfolios

The classical approach to portfolio optimization is known as Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). It involves categorizing the investment universe based on risk (standard deviation) and return, and then choosing the mix of investments that achieves the desired risk-versus-return tradeoff. Portfolio optimization can also be thought of as a risk-management strategy as every type of equity has a distinct return and risk characteristics as well as different systemic risks, which describes how they respond to the market at large. Macroaxis enables investors to optimize portfolios that have a mix of equities (such as stocks, funds, or ETFs) and cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin, Ethereum or Monero)
By capturing your risk tolerance and investment horizon Macroaxis technology of instant portfolio optimization will compute exactly how much risk is acceptable for your desired return expectations
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Note that this page's information should be used as a complementary analysis to find the right mix of equity instruments to add to your existing portfolios or create a brand new portfolio. You can also try the Portfolio Optimization module to compute new portfolio that will generate highest expected return given your specified tolerance for risk.

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