Should you continue to hold Miromatrix Medical (USA Stocks:MIRO) based on the recent analyst consensus?
By Ellen Johnson | Macroaxis Story |
Miromatrix Medical is currently OVERVALUED at $2.87 per share, with only modest projections for future growth. We provide investment recommendations to supplement the most recent expert consensus on Miromatrix Medical. Our dynamic recommendation engine employs a multidimensional algorithm to analyze the company's growth potential, using all available technical and fundamental data at the time.
Important Points
Investors seeking potential buying opportunities amidst the current market downturn may want to consider Miromatrix Medical (MIRO). Despite the company's negative return on assets of 0.49 and return on equity of 0.93, there are several indicators that suggest a potential upside. Firstly, the company's total risk alpha, a measure of the difference between a portfolio's actual returns and its expected performance given its level of systematic risk, stands at 8.16, suggesting a potential for higher returns. Secondly, the company's stock is currently trading at a discount, with its last price of $3.31 significantly lower than its 52-week high of $4.5. Lastly, the company's enterprise value to revenue ratio is at a whopping 1.9K, indicating that the market may be undervaluing the company's future revenue potential. However, investors should also be aware of the company's high coefficient of variation of 904.17, which indicates a high level of risk.Macroaxis uses a strict editorial review process to publish stories and blog posts. Our publishers support our company and may receive a small commission when the partner links or references are utilized. Commissions do not affect the opinions or evaluations of our editorial team. The information our editors and media partners deliver is confidential and licensed for your sole use as a Macroaxis user. We reserve all rights to the content of this article, and therefore copying or distributing this story in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
Reviewed by Raphi Shpitalnik
Every cloud has a silver lining, and in the current market downturn, that silver lining could be Miromatrix Medical (MIRO). This healthcare company, specializing in biotechnology, presents a potential buying opportunity for savvy investors. Despite a net income loss of $30 million and a cost of revenue of $500K, the company has shown resilience with a quarterly revenue growth of 1.155 and a revenue per share of 0.042. The company's stock has been shorted 527.2K shares in the prior month, indicating a potential upside if the company's performance improves. The 50-day moving average stands at 1.3162, while the 52-week low is at 0.9065. However, the potential upside is estimated at 10.61, with a possible upside price of 31.54. Analysts have a strong buy consensus on MIRO, with the highest estimated target price being 3. The company's total risk alpha is 8.16, indicating a higher potential return given the risk. The Sortino ratio, a measure of risk-adjusted return, is 0.6051, further highlighting the potential for profit. In conclusion, despite the market downturn and the company's financial challenges, Miromatrix Medical offers a potential buying opportunity for investors willing to take on the risk. The forthcoming quarterly report for Miromatrix Medical is anticipated on November 13, 2023. The stock is currently experiencing above-average trading activity. While some millennials are still hesitant to venture into the biotechnology sector, I will delve deeper into Miromatrix Medical to assess its potential as a sound investment. We will explore the reasons for our continued optimism in anticipation of a recovery.What is the right price you would pay to acquire a share of Miromatrix Medical? For most investors, it would be the price that gives them a wide margin of safety to have minimal downside risk. In other words, most investors are always looking for undervalued stocks. Even if the future performance is not entirely as expected, the loss of holding it is minimized, and the downside risk is negated. Please read more on our stock advisor page.
Watch out for price decline
Please consider monitoring Miromatrix Medical on a daily basis if you are holding a position in it. Miromatrix Medical is trading at a penny-stock level, and the possibility of delisting is much higher compared to other delisted stocks. However, just because the stock is trading under one dollar, does not mean it will be marked for deletion. Most exchanges require public instruments, such as Miromatrix Medical stock to be traded above the $1 level to remain listed. If Miromatrix Medical stock price falls below $1 for 30 consecutive trading days, the exchange can delist it. Once the company reaches this point, they will be sent an initial price violation notice directly from an exchange.
What is happening with Miromatrix Medical this year
Annual and quarterly reports issued by Miromatrix Medical are formal financial statements that are published yearly and quarterly and sent to Miromatrix stockholders. The reports show and break down the current year's ongoing operations and discuss plans for the upcoming year. Annual reports have been a requirement from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for businesses owned by the public since 1934.
Companies such as Miromatrix Medical often view their annual report as an effective marketing tool to disseminate their perspective on company future earnings or innovations. With this in mind, many companies devote large sums of money to making their reports attractive and informative. In such instances, the annual report becomes a forum through which a company can communicate to the general public any number of topics that may or may not be directly related to the actual data published in the reports.
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