BELLUS Health Price History

BLUDelisted Stock  USD 14.74  0.00  0.00%   
If you're considering investing in BELLUS Stock, it is important to understand the factors that can impact its price. As of today, the current price of BELLUS Health stands at 14.74, as last reported on the 27th of July, with the highest price reaching 14.74 and the lowest price hitting 14.74 during the day. We have found twenty-three technical indicators for BELLUS Health, which you can use to evaluate the volatility of the firm. Please confirm BELLUS Health's Mean Deviation of 3.16, downside deviation of 1.54, and Risk Adjusted Performance of 0.0961 to double-check if the risk estimate we provide is consistent with the expected return of 0.0%.
BELLUS Stock price history is provided at the adjusted basis, taking into account all of the recent filings.

Sharpe Ratio = 0.0

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Based on monthly moving average BELLUS Health is not performing at its full potential. However, if added to a well diversified portfolio the total return can be enhanced and market risk can be reduced. You can increase risk-adjusted return of BELLUS Health by adding BELLUS Health to a well-diversified portfolio.

BELLUS Health Stock Price History Chart

There are several ways to analyze BELLUS Stock price data. The simplest method is using a basic BELLUS candlestick price chart, which shows BELLUS Health price history and the buying and selling dynamics of a specified period. Many traders also use subjective judgment to their trading calls, avoiding the need to trade based on technical analysis.

BELLUS Stock Price History Data

The price series of BELLUS Health for the period between Sun, Apr 28, 2024 and Sat, Jul 27, 2024 has a statistical range of 8.29 with a coefficient of variation of 24.77. The prices are distributed with arithmetic mean of 12.84. The median price for the last 90 days is 14.49. The company had 1:3.6 stock split on 19th of August 2019. BELLUS Health issued dividends on 2019-08-19.
 14.74  14.74  14.74  14.74 
06/29/2023 14.74  14.74  14.74  14.74  1.00 
06/28/2023 14.74  14.75  14.74  14.74  3,449,300 
06/27/2023 14.74  14.75  14.74  14.74  437,400 
06/26/2023 14.73  14.76  14.73  14.75  3,402,542 
06/23/2023 14.75  14.75  14.73  14.73  852,482 
06/22/2023 14.71  14.75  14.71  14.74  1,634,511 
06/21/2023 14.72  14.73  14.70  14.72  4,900,100 
06/20/2023 14.71  14.73  14.71  14.72  2,605,800 
06/16/2023 14.61  14.74  14.56  14.73  13,707,000 
06/15/2023 14.55  14.57  14.39  14.56  13,559,146 
06/14/2023 14.55  14.57  14.54  14.55  1,868,383 
06/13/2023 14.60  14.60  14.52  14.53  2,039,795 
06/12/2023 14.56  14.59  14.56  14.56  577,700 
06/09/2023 14.57  14.58  14.55  14.57  1,071,061 
06/08/2023 14.58  14.60  14.57  14.57  2,229,721 
06/07/2023 14.60  14.62  14.58  14.59  1,527,260 
06/06/2023 14.60  14.62  14.58  14.60  2,180,922 
06/05/2023 14.63  14.63  14.57  14.59  1,713,841 
06/02/2023 14.67  14.67  14.60  14.63  542,700 
06/01/2023 14.60  14.62  14.57  14.61  1,182,563 
05/31/2023 14.58  14.62  14.57  14.61  1,082,630 
05/30/2023 14.55  14.60  14.54  14.56  810,125 
05/26/2023 14.57  14.59  14.55  14.56  1,344,637 
05/25/2023 14.57  14.61  14.55  14.57  1,214,777 
05/24/2023 14.56  14.65  14.55  14.56  3,958,915 
05/23/2023 14.48  14.60  14.48  14.59  4,875,682 
05/22/2023 14.49  14.49  14.45  14.45  2,735,847 
05/19/2023 14.44  14.48  14.42  14.42  2,162,829 
05/18/2023 14.43  14.45  14.43  14.43  3,770,820 
05/17/2023 14.43  14.47  14.42  14.45  2,340,158 
05/16/2023 14.33  14.48  14.31  14.44  4,081,053 
05/15/2023 14.49  14.50  14.46  14.47  1,664,400 
05/12/2023 14.50  14.52  14.47  14.48  2,158,168 
05/11/2023 14.50  14.53  14.48  14.49  1,633,060 
05/10/2023 14.53  14.54  14.49  14.51  2,605,322 
05/09/2023 14.48  14.52  14.48  14.50  1,152,489 
05/08/2023 14.50  14.50  14.47  14.49  2,099,824 
05/05/2023 14.51  14.53  14.48  14.49  1,556,713 
05/04/2023 14.50  14.52  14.48  14.51  1,322,001 
05/03/2023 14.48  14.52  14.48  14.50  2,606,400 
05/02/2023 14.49  14.51  14.48  14.50  1,553,850 
05/01/2023 14.47  14.51  14.47  14.51  2,187,807 
04/28/2023 14.47  14.50  14.47  14.49  2,891,610 
04/27/2023 14.47  14.50  14.46  14.48  4,788,900 
04/26/2023 14.46  14.51  14.46  14.48  2,439,618 
04/25/2023 14.43  14.51  14.43  14.47  9,559,575 
04/24/2023 14.44  14.50  14.42  14.43  7,905,500 
04/21/2023 14.48  14.53  14.42  14.43  8,272,688 
04/20/2023 14.43  14.50  14.42  14.49  7,411,343 
04/19/2023 14.42  14.46  14.38  14.44  23,799,333 
04/18/2023 14.41  14.50  14.38  14.44  151,220,609 
04/17/2023 7.05  7.28  7.00  7.26  389,000 
04/14/2023 7.11  7.22  6.90  7.06  410,413 
04/13/2023 6.96  7.19  6.94  7.19  162,293 
04/12/2023 6.95  7.09  6.84  6.95  520,600 
04/11/2023 6.85  6.99  6.75  6.95  609,734 
04/10/2023 6.82  6.99  6.66  6.86  654,140 
04/06/2023 6.42  6.94  6.42  6.80  939,628 
04/05/2023 6.94  6.98  6.38  6.46  770,392 
04/04/2023 6.96  7.14  6.88  6.88  703,970 

About BELLUS Health Stock history

BELLUS Health investors dedicate a lot of time and effort to gaining insight into how a market's past behavior relates to its future. Access to timely market data for BELLUS is vital when making an investment decision, and regardless of whether you use fundamental or technical analysis, your return on investment in BELLUS Health will depend on recognizing future opportunities and eliminating past mistakes. Historical data analysis is the study of market behavior over a given time. Recorded market-related data such as price, volatility, and volume can be quantified and studied over a defined period. Through a detailed examination of a market's past behavior, traders and investors can gain perspective on the inner workings of that market. The information obtained throughout analyzing BELLUS Health stock prices may prove useful in developing a viable investing in BELLUS Health
BELLUS Health Inc., a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, develops therapeutics for the treatment of refractory chronic cough and other cough hypersensitivity indications. The company was incorporated in 1993 and is based in Laval, Canada. Bellus Health operates under Biotechnology classification in the United States and is traded on NASDAQ Exchange. It employs 40 people.

BELLUS Health Stock Technical Analysis

BELLUS Health technical stock analysis exercises models and trading practices based on price and volume transformations, such as the moving averages, relative strength index, regressions, price and return correlations, business cycles, delisted stock market cycles, or different charting patterns.
A focus of BELLUS Health technical analysis is to determine if market prices reflect all relevant information impacting that market. A technical analyst looks at the history of BELLUS Health trading pattern rather than external drivers such as economic, fundamental, or social events. It is believed that price action tends to repeat itself due to investors' collective, patterned behavior. Hence technical analysis focuses on identifiable price trends and conditions. More Info...

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BELLUS Health Technical and Predictive Indicators

Predictive indicators are helping investors to find signals for BELLUS Health's price direction in advance. Along with the technical and fundamental analysis of BELLUS Stock historical price patterns, it is also worthwhile for investors to track various predictive indicators of BELLUS to make sure they correctly time the market and exploit it's hidden potentials. Even though most predictive indicators are useful for the short-term horizon, it's virtually impossible to predict the unforeseen market. For traders with a short-term horizon, predictive indicators add value when properly applied. Long-term investors, however, may find many predictive indicators less useful.
Check out Trending Equities to better understand how to build diversified portfolios. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in bureau of economic analysis.
You can also try the Idea Breakdown module to analyze constituents of all Macroaxis ideas. Macroaxis investment ideas are predefined, sector-focused investing themes.

Other Consideration for investing in BELLUS Stock

If you are still planning to invest in BELLUS Health check if it may still be traded through OTC markets such as Pink Sheets or OTC Bulletin Board. You may also purchase it directly from the company, but this is not always possible and may require contacting the company directly. Please note that delisted stocks are often considered to be more risky investments, as they are no longer subject to the same regulatory and reporting requirements as listed stocks. Therefore, it is essential to carefully research the BELLUS Health's history and understand the potential risks before investing.
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