Biotechnology Companies By Ps Ratio

Price To Sales
Price To SalesEfficiencyMarket RiskExp Return
1NKTX Nkarta Inc
1000 K
2SVRA Savara Inc
131.15 K
3EDSA Edesa Biotech
120.48 K
4TIL Instil Bio
55.33 K
5KZIA Kazia Therapeutics Ltd
26.16 K
6DSGN Design Therapeutics
22.64 K
11.8 K
8GNLX Genelux Common
10.88 K
9RVMD Revolution Medicines
10.65 K
10ALLO Allogene Therapeutics
8.69 K
11KROS Keros Therapeutics
8.43 K
12VRDN Viridian Therapeutics
6.34 K
13ALXO Alx Oncology Holdings
5.91 K
14LYEL Lyell Immunopharma
5.78 K
15PMN ProMIS Neurosciences
5.17 K
16CGON CG Oncology, Common
4.45 K
17CHHL China Holdings
3.41 K
18DNLI Denali Therapeutics
3.23 K
19CRNX Crinetics Pharmaceuticals
3.07 K
20PLRX Pliant Therapeutics
3.05 K
The analysis above is based on a 90-day investment horizon and a default level of risk. Use the Portfolio Analyzer to fine-tune all your assumptions. Check your current assumptions here.
Price to Sales ratio is typically used for valuing equity relative to its own past performance as well as to performance of other companies or market indexes. In most cases, the lower the ratio, the better it is for investors. However, it is advisable for investors to exercise caution when looking at price-to-sales ratios across different industries. The most critical factor to remember is that the price of equity takes a firm's debt into account, whereas the sales indicators do not consider financial leverage. Generally speaking, Price to Sales ratio shows how much market values every dollar of the company's sales.