Income Fund Correlations

AMECX Fund  USD 24.88  0.21  0.85%   
The current 90-days correlation between Income Fund and Capital Income Builder is 0.97 (i.e., Almost no diversification). The correlation of Income Fund is a statistical measure of how it moves in relation to other instruments. This measure is expressed in what is known as the correlation coefficient, which ranges between -1 and +1. A correlation greater than 0.8 is generally described as strong, whereas a correlation less than 0.5 is generally considered weak. If the correlation is 0, the equities are not correlated; they are entirely random.

Income Fund Correlation With Market

Very poor diversification

The correlation between Income Fund Of and DJI is 0.8 (i.e., Very poor diversification) for selected investment horizon. Overlapping area represents the amount of risk that can be diversified away by holding Income Fund Of and DJI in the same portfolio, assuming nothing else is changed.
Check out Trending Equities to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in Income Fund Of. Also, note that the market value of any mutual fund could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in main economic indicators.

Moving together with Income Mutual Fund

  0.64RNEBX New World FundPairCorr
  0.94AMFCX American MutualPairCorr
  0.94AMFFX American MutualPairCorr
  0.97RNCCX American Funds IncomePairCorr
  0.91FPPPX American Funds PresePairCorr
  1.0AMEFX Income FundPairCorr
  0.76RNGGX New Economy FundPairCorr
  0.76RNGFX New Economy FundPairCorr
  0.75RNGHX New Economy FundPairCorr
  0.76RNGBX New Economy FundPairCorr
  0.74RNGAX New Economy FundPairCorr
  0.75RNGEX New Economy FundPairCorr
  0.68RNGCX New Economy FundPairCorr
  0.84AMHIX American High IncomePairCorr
  0.84TEBCX Tax Exempt BondPairCorr
  0.83TECCX Tax Exempt FundPairCorr
  0.85TEAFX Tax Exempt BondPairCorr
  0.94FPTPX American Funds ConsePairCorr
  0.84TECFX Tax Exempt FundPairCorr
  0.83TEFEX Tax Exempt FundPairCorr
  0.74RNNEX New Economy FundPairCorr
  0.77CDJAX American Funds CollegePairCorr
  0.78AMPFX Amcap Fund ClassPairCorr
  0.8RNPBX New PerspectivePairCorr
  0.78RNPAX New PerspectivePairCorr
  0.8RNPHX New PerspectivePairCorr
  0.79RNPGX New PerspectivePairCorr
  0.8RNPCX New PerspectivePairCorr
  0.8RNPFX New PerspectivePairCorr
  0.79RNPEX New PerspectivePairCorr
  0.98AMRMX American MutualPairCorr
  0.98AMRFX American MutualPairCorr
  0.71RNRPX American Funds RetirementPairCorr
  0.88AMUSX Us Government SecuritiesPairCorr
  0.64TEPFX American Funds TaxPairCorr
  0.66RNWFX New World FundPairCorr
  0.65RNWEX New World FundPairCorr
  0.66RNWGX New World FundPairCorr

Related Correlations Analysis

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Risk-Adjusted Indicators

There is a big difference between Income Mutual Fund performing well and Income Fund Mutual Fund doing well as a business compared to the competition. There are so many exceptions to the norm that investors cannot definitively determine what's good or bad unless they analyze Income Fund's multiple risk-adjusted performance indicators across the competitive landscape. These indicators are quantitative in nature and help investors forecast volatility and risk-adjusted expected returns across various positions.