The Hartford Mutual Fund Money Managers

HLDRX Fund  USD 4.63  0.01  0.22%   
Break down of The Hartford's management performance can provide insight into the fund's overall performance. Note that fund manager's attribution analysis is becoming a valuable factor that both investors and analysts use to determine the amount of risk that may be associated with The Hartford's future under-performance.
Check out Risk vs Return Analysis to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in The Hartford Emerging. Also, note that the market value of any mutual fund could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in metropolitan statistical area.
Symbol  HLDRX
Name  The Hartford Emerging
TypeMutual Fund
 United States
Exchange  NMFQS

Information on The Hartford Emerging Leadership is currently not available.

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The Hartford Net Asset Comparison

The Hartford Emerging is one of the top funds in net asset among similar funds. Total Asset Under Management (AUM) of Emerging-Markets Local-Currency Bond category is currently estimated at about 48.57 Billion. The Hartford adds roughly 170.01 Million in net asset claiming only tiny portion of all funds under Emerging-Markets Local-Currency Bond category.

Hartford Emerging Benchmark Summation

The output start index for this execution was zero with a total number of output elements of sixty-one. Hartford Emerging Price Series Summation is a cross summation of The Hartford price series and its benchmark/peer.

About The Hartford Management Performance

The success or failure of an entity such as Hartford Emerging often depends on how effective the management is. The Hartford management team is responsible for propelling the future growth in the right direction and administering and controlling the business activities and accounting for the results. Ineffective management usually contributes to failure in the company's future performance for all stakeholders equally, but most importantly, for investors. So it is important to measure the effectiveness of The management before purchasing its stock. In many ways, it's all about finding the answer to one important question - Are they doing the right thing right now? How would we assess whether the The management is utilizing all available resources in the best possible way? Also, how well is the company doing relative to others in its sector and the market as a whole? The answer can be found by analyzing a few important fundamental indicators such as return on assets and return on equity.
The fund will normally invest at least 80 percent of its assets in local currency-denominated emerging markets debt securities, as well as forwards and other derivative instruments that provide market exposure to such securities. It will invest primarily in non-U.S. dollar currencies. The fund will invest in both investment grade and non-investment grade debt securities from emerging markets. It is non-diversified.
Please note that you must use caution to infer results of funds future performance. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that investors' shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Other Information on Investing in The Mutual Fund

The Hartford financial ratios help investors to determine whether The Mutual Fund is cheap or expensive when compared to a particular measure, such as profits or enterprise value. In other words, they help investors to determine the cost of investment in The with respect to the benefits of owning The Hartford security.
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