Financial Widgets Catalog

Instant Watchlist Allocation Widget

This widget is perfect for sharing your watchlist with the world through your web site or blog. Easily customizable it supports major markets around the world. This widget can be used to monitor your watchlist in the Americas, Asia and Europe. The watch list can be configured to include interested stocks as per your needs. This widget doesn't use authentication. To specify custom watch list simply pass a list of valid comma-separated symbols and quantities in the following format: symbol1:quantity1,symbol2:quantity2. The ideal width for this widget is 400px.

Global Symbol Search Widget

This widget enables you to search over 250,000 global equities, funds, and etfs

Search Widget

This widget provides an easy way to look for any stock, mutual fund or ETF across major world markets. As a bonus it shows major exchange indexes. This updates market data in real-time around the clock and ideal for including in your blog if you write about the stock market or trading.

Small Vertical Index Ticker

Vertical index ticker is a perfect widget to share international indexes through your web site or blog. This stock ticker can be used to show indexes from multiple markets. Updates are done in near-real time around the clock. This stock ticker doesn't use authentication. It automatically resizes to fit your width but designed for blocks with limited width. Check more info on tickers

Small Vertical Index Ticker

The World Market Summary watch will give you quick snapshot of major markets around the world. This widget monitors major markets in the Americas, Asia and Europe, updates market data in real time around the clock, and can be configured to include interested market as per your needs. This widget is designed for screen blocks with limited width.

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Instant, one-line integration of our widgets will enable you to display charts, tickers, info panels and heat-maps for most stocks, ETFs, funds, indexes and watch-lists from over 30 exchanges worldwide. You can get it running in seconds. Please check our financial widget catalog below and select your widget.