Sometimes investors prefer to allocate their assets around a certain investing idea or a particular concept.
Macroaxis Idea Optimizer uses standard mean-variance optimization techniques to compute optimal weights of assets from the selected investing idea.
By using this technique one eliminates non-systematic (i.e. company specific) risks both on the level of individual position
as well as at the level of the idea.
Portfolio Theme Optimizer is a 3-step process that allows you to optimize your selected theme. Macroaxis themes use dynamic set of algorithms to aggregate related companies, funds, and ETFs based on several common attributes such as their riskiness, expected returns, areas of operation, size and others. Themes are evaluated daily and may exclude significant number of statistical outliers. To optimize selected theme you first need to be registered and active Macroaxis user (either freemium or premium). Once your account is activated, optimizing a portfolio from a selected theme is easy:
Accept existing or select new theme from theme select box | |
Specify your investing mood | |
Set Budget and hit "Optimize Idea" button |