Draganfly Stock Z Score

DPRO Stock  USD 0.17  0.01  5.56%   
Altman Z Score is one of the simplest fundamental models to determine how likely your company is to fail. The module uses available fundamental data of a given equity to approximate the Altman Z score. Altman Z Score is determined by evaluating five fundamental price points available from the company's current public disclosure documents. Check out Draganfly Piotroski F Score and Draganfly Valuation analysis.
To learn how to invest in Draganfly Stock, please use our How to Invest in Draganfly guide.
At this time, Draganfly's Capital Lease Obligations is very stable compared to the past year. As of the 27th of July 2024, Capital Expenditures is likely to grow to about 514.9 K, while Net Invested Capital is likely to drop about 468.1 K. At this time, Draganfly's Net Interest Income is very stable compared to the past year. As of the 27th of July 2024, Gross Profit is likely to grow to about 1.6 M, while Interest Expense is likely to drop about 1.5 M.

Draganfly Company Z Score Analysis

Draganfly's Z-Score is a simple linear, multi-factor model that measures the financial health and economic stability of a company. The score is used to predict the probability of a firm going into bankruptcy within next 24 months or two fiscal years from the day stated on the accounting statements used to calculate it. The model uses five fundamental business ratios that are weighted according to algorithm of Professor Edward Altman who developed it in the late 1960s at New York University..

Z Score


Sum Of

5 Factors

More About Z Score | All Equity Analysis

First Factor


1.2 * (

Working Capital


Total Assets )

Second Factor


1.4 * (

Retained Earnings


Total Assets )

Thrid Factor


3.3 * (



Total Assets )

Fouth Factor


0.6 * (

Market Value of Equity


Total Liabilities )

Fifth Factor


0.99 * (



Total Assets )

Draganfly Z Score Driver Correlations

Understanding the fundamental principles of building solid financial models for Draganfly is extremely important. It helps to project a fair market value of Draganfly Stock properly, considering its historical fundamentals such as Z Score. Since Draganfly's main accounts across its financial reports are all linked and dependent on each other, it is essential to analyze all possible correlations between related accounts. However, instead of reviewing all of Draganfly's historical financial statements, investors can examine the correlated drivers to determine its overall health. This can be effectively done using a conventional correlation matrix of Draganfly's interrelated accounts and indicators.
Click cells to compare fundamentals
To calculate a Z-Score, one would need to know a company's current working capital, its total assets and liabilities, and the amount of its latest earnings as well as earnings before interest and tax. Z-Scores can be used to compare the odds of bankruptcy of companies in a similar line of business or firms operating in the same industry. Companies with Z-Scores above 3.1 are generally considered to be stable and healthy with a low probability of bankruptcy. Scores that fall between 1.8 and 3.1 lie in a so-called 'grey area,' with scores of less than 1 indicating the highest probability of distress. Z Score is a used widely measure by financial auditors, accountants, money managers, loan processors, wealth advisers, and day traders. In the last 25 years, many financial models that utilize z-scores proved it to be successful as a predictor of corporate bankruptcy.

According to the company's disclosures, Draganfly has a Z Score of 0.0. This is 100.0% lower than that of the Machinery sector and 100.0% lower than that of the Industrials industry. The z score for all United States stocks is 100.0% higher than that of the company.

Draganfly Current Valuation Drivers

We derive many important indicators used in calculating different scores of Draganfly from analyzing Draganfly's financial statements. These drivers represent accounts that assess Draganfly's ability to generate profits relative to its revenue, operating costs, and shareholders' equity. Below are some of Draganfly's important valuation drivers and their relationship over time.
201920202021202220232024 (projected)
Market Cap43.2M62.7M57.0M34.1M26.8M49.4M
Enterprise Value40.9M61.0M34.5M26.7M24.5M43.1M

Draganfly Institutional Holders

Institutional Holdings refers to the ownership stake in Draganfly that is held by large financial organizations, pension funds or endowments. Institutions may purchase large blocks of Draganfly's outstanding shares and can exert considerable influence upon its management. Institutional holders may also work to push the share price higher once they own the stock. Extensive social media coverage, TV shows, articles in high-profile magazines, and presentations at investor conferences help move the stock higher, increasing Draganfly's value.
Jane Street Group, Llc2023-12-31
14.9 K
Stonex Group Inc2024-03-31
13 K
Mayflower Financial Advisors, Llc2024-03-31
11.3 K
Lindbrook Capital, Llc2024-03-31
10 K
Royal Bank Of Canada2024-03-31
5.2 K
Wells Fargo & Co2024-03-31
Frg Family Wealth Advisors Llc2024-03-31
2.5 K
Advisor Group Holdings, Inc.2024-03-31
Benjamin F. Edwards & Company, Llc2024-03-31
Renaissance Technologies Corp2024-03-31
402.9 K
Warberg Asset Management Llc2024-03-31
139.6 K

Draganfly Fundamentals

About Draganfly Fundamental Analysis

The Macroaxis Fundamental Analysis modules help investors analyze Draganfly's financials across various querterly and yearly statements, indicators and fundamental ratios. We help investors to determine the real value of Draganfly using virtually all public information available. We use both quantitative as well as qualitative analysis to arrive at the intrinsic value of Draganfly based on its fundamental data. In general, a quantitative approach, as applied to this company, focuses on analyzing financial statements comparatively, whereas a qaualitative method uses data that is important to a company's growth but cannot be measured and presented in a numerical way.
Please read more on our fundamental analysis page.

Pair Trading with Draganfly

One of the main advantages of trading using pair correlations is that every trade hedges away some risk. Because there are two separate transactions required, even if Draganfly position performs unexpectedly, the other equity can make up some of the losses. Pair trading also minimizes risk from directional movements in the market. For example, if an entire industry or sector drops because of unexpected headlines, the short position in Draganfly will appreciate offsetting losses from the drop in the long position's value.

Moving together with Draganfly Stock

  0.72EH Ehang HoldingsPairCorr

Moving against Draganfly Stock

  0.61DRS Leonardo DRS CommonPairCorr
  0.61HEI Heico Fiscal Year End 16th of December 2024 PairCorr
  0.6RDW Redwire CorpPairCorr
  0.59EVTL Vertical Aerospace Earnings Call This WeekPairCorr
  0.52LMT Lockheed Martin Fiscal Year End 28th of January 2025 PairCorr
The ability to find closely correlated positions to Draganfly could be a great tool in your tax-loss harvesting strategies, allowing investors a quick way to find a similar-enough asset to replace Draganfly when you sell it. If you don't do this, your portfolio allocation will be skewed against your target asset allocation. So, investors can't just sell and buy back Draganfly - that would be a violation of the tax code under the "wash sale" rule, and this is why you need to find a similar enough asset and use the proceeds from selling Draganfly to buy it.
The correlation of Draganfly is a statistical measure of how it moves in relation to other instruments. This measure is expressed in what is known as the correlation coefficient, which ranges between -1 and +1. A perfect positive correlation (i.e., a correlation coefficient of +1) implies that as Draganfly moves, either up or down, the other security will move in the same direction. Alternatively, perfect negative correlation means that if Draganfly moves in either direction, the perfectly negatively correlated security will move in the opposite direction. If the correlation is 0, the equities are not correlated; they are entirely random. A correlation greater than 0.8 is generally described as strong, whereas a correlation less than 0.5 is generally considered weak.
Correlation analysis and pair trading evaluation for Draganfly can also be used as hedging techniques within a particular sector or industry or even over random equities to generate a better risk-adjusted return on your portfolios.
Pair CorrelationCorrelation Matching

Additional Information and Resources on Investing in Draganfly Stock

When determining whether Draganfly offers a strong return on investment in its stock, a comprehensive analysis is essential. The process typically begins with a thorough review of Draganfly's financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess its financial health. Key financial ratios are used to gauge profitability, efficiency, and growth potential of Draganfly Stock. Outlined below are crucial reports that will aid in making a well-informed decision on Draganfly Stock:
Check out Draganfly Piotroski F Score and Draganfly Valuation analysis.
To learn how to invest in Draganfly Stock, please use our How to Invest in Draganfly guide.
You can also try the Portfolio Analyzer module to portfolio analysis module that provides access to portfolio diagnostics and optimization engine.
Is Industrial Machinery & Supplies & Components space expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of Draganfly. If investors know Draganfly will grow in the future, the company's valuation will be higher. The financial industry is built on trying to define current growth potential and future valuation accurately. All the valuation information about Draganfly listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.
Earnings Share
Revenue Per Share
Quarterly Revenue Growth
Return On Assets
Return On Equity
The market value of Draganfly is measured differently than its book value, which is the value of Draganfly that is recorded on the company's balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of Draganfly's value that differs from its market value or its book value, called intrinsic value, which is Draganfly's true underlying value. Investors use various methods to calculate intrinsic value and buy a stock when its market value falls below its intrinsic value. Because Draganfly's market value can be influenced by many factors that don't directly affect Draganfly's underlying business (such as a pandemic or basic market pessimism), market value can vary widely from intrinsic value.
Please note, there is a significant difference between Draganfly's value and its price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Investors typically determine if Draganfly is a good investment by looking at such factors as earnings, sales, fundamental and technical indicators, competition as well as analyst projections. However, Draganfly's price is the amount at which it trades on the open market and represents the number that a seller and buyer find agreeable to each party.