Dwight Utz - Codorus Valley Insider

Stakeholder Dwight Utz is not found or was disassociated from the entity Codorus Valley Bancorp

If you believe Dwight Utz is a valid insider of Codorus Valley Bancorp please let us know and we will check it out.

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Other Consideration for investing in Codorus Stock

If you are still planning to invest in Codorus Valley Bancorp check if it may still be traded through OTC markets such as Pink Sheets or OTC Bulletin Board. You may also purchase it directly from the company, but this is not always possible and may require contacting the company directly. Please note that delisted stocks are often considered to be more risky investments, as they are no longer subject to the same regulatory and reporting requirements as listed stocks. Therefore, it is essential to carefully research the Codorus Valley's history and understand the potential risks before investing.
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