Daily Journal Corp Stock Analysis

DJCO Stock  USD 465.70  2.06  0.44%   
Daily Journal Corp is undervalued with Real Value of 510.55 and Hype Value of 463.98. The main objective of Daily Journal stock analysis is to determine its intrinsic value, which is an estimate of what Daily Journal Corp is worth, separate from its market price. There are two main types of Daily Journal's stock analysis: fundamental analysis and technical analysis.
The Daily Journal stock is traded in the USA on NASDAQ Exchange, with the market opening at 09:30:00 and closing at 16:00:00 every Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri except for officially observed holidays in the USA. Daily Journal is usually not traded on Washington 's Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth Holiday, Independence Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year 's Day, Dr . Martin Luther King Jr 's Birthday. Daily Stock trading window is adjusted to America/New York timezone.
Check out Investing Opportunities to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in Daily Journal Corp. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in main economic indicators.

Daily Stock Analysis Notes

About 53.0% of the company shares are held by institutions such as insurance companies. The book value of Daily Journal was currently reported as 165.94. The company recorded earning per share (EPS) of 16.14. Daily Journal Corp had not issued any dividends in recent years. Daily Journal Corporation publishes newspapers and websites covering in California, Arizona, and Utah. Daily Journal Corporation was incorporated in 1987 and is based in Los Angeles, California. Daily Journal operates under SoftwareApplication classification in the United States and is traded on NASDAQ Exchange. It employs 290 people. To learn more about Daily Journal Corp call Danny Hemnani at 213 229 5300 or check out https://www.dailyjournal.com.

Daily Journal Quarterly Total Revenue

16.57 Million

Daily Journal Corp Investment Alerts

Daily Journal Corp has a poor financial position based on the latest SEC disclosures
Latest headline from news.google.com: Swiss National Bank Purchases 100 Shares of Daily Journal Co. - Defense World

Daily Journal Corp Upcoming and Recent Events

Earnings reports are used by Daily Journal to provide an update of all three financial statements, including the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement. Every quarterly earnings report provides investors with three things: an overview of sales, expenses, and net income for the most recent period..
12th of February 2024
Upcoming Quarterly Report
31st of December 2023
Next Fiscal Quarter End

Daily Journal Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Scores

Daily Journal's ESG score is a quantitative measure that evaluates Daily Journal's performance and commitment regarding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. These scores are becoming increasingly crucial in investment decision-making processes, providing insights into non-financial aspects of Daily Journal's operations that may have significant financial implications and affect Daily Journal's stock price as well as guide investors towards more socially responsible investments.

Daily Journal Thematic Classifications

In addition to having Daily Journal stock in your portfolios, you can add positions using our predefined set of ideas and optimize them against your very unique investing style. A single investing idea is a collection of funds, stocks, ETFs, or cryptocurrencies that are programmatically selected from a pull of investment themes. After you determine your favorite investment opportunity, you can then obtain an optimal portfolio that will maximize potential returns on the chosen idea or minimize its exposure to market volatility. If you are a result-oriented investor, you can benefit from optimizing one of our existing themes to build an efficient portfolio against your specific investing outlook.
Books Idea
Books, newspapers, periodicals, and publishing
Printing and Publishing Idea
Printing and Publishing
USA Equities from Printing and Publishing industry as classified by Fama & French

Daily Stock Institutional Investors

Caprock Group Inc2024-03-31
5.6 K
Hpm Partners Llc2024-03-31
4.9 K
Bank Of New York Mellon Corp2024-03-31
4.6 K
Renaissance Technologies Corp2024-03-31
3.8 K
Morgan Stanley - Brokerage Accounts2024-03-31
3.8 K
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc2024-03-31
3.6 K
Goldman Sachs Group Inc2024-03-31
Nuveen Asset Management, Llc2024-03-31
New York State Common Retirement Fund2024-03-31
2.8 K
Rwwm Inc2024-03-31
323.1 K
Blackrock Inc2024-03-31
94.6 K
Note, although Daily Journal's institutional investors appear to be way more sophisticated than retail investors, it remains unclear if professional active investment managers can reliably enhance risk-adjusted returns by an amount that exceeds fees and expenses.

Daily Market Capitalization

The company currently falls under 'Small-Cap' category with a current market capitalization of 641.28 M.

Daily Profitablity

The company has Profit Margin (PM) of 0.31 %, which maeans that even a very small decline in it revenue will erase profits resulting in a net loss. This is way below average. Similarly, it shows Operating Margin (OM) of 0.07 %, which suggests for every 100 dollars of sales, it generated a net operating income of $0.07.
Last ReportedProjected for Next Year
Return On Tangible Assets 0.07  0.06 
Return On Capital Employed 0.02  0.02 
Return On Assets 0.07  0.06 
Return On Equity 0.12  0.10 

Management Efficiency

Daily Journal Corp has return on total asset (ROA) of 0.0165 % which means that it generated a profit of $0.0165 on every $100 spent on assets. This is way below average. Similarly, it shows a return on stockholder's equity (ROE) of 0.1022 %, meaning that it created $0.1022 on every $100 dollars invested by stockholders. Daily Journal's management efficiency ratios could be used to measure how well Daily Journal manages its routine affairs as well as how well it operates its assets and liabilities. As of the 27th of July 2024, Return On Tangible Assets is likely to drop to 0.06. In addition to that, Return On Capital Employed is likely to drop to 0.02. At this time, Daily Journal's Total Assets are very stable compared to the past year. As of the 27th of July 2024, Non Current Assets Total is likely to grow to about 17.3 M, though Non Currrent Assets Other are likely to grow to (26.2 M).
Last ReportedProjected for Next Year
Book Value Per Share 131.02  137.57 
Tangible Book Value Per Share 131.02  137.57 
Enterprise Value Over EBITDA 59.74  62.73 
Price Book Value Ratio 2.32  2.21 
Enterprise Value Multiple 59.74  62.73 
Price Fair Value 2.32  2.21 
Enterprise Value375.1 M393.8 M
The analysis of Daily Journal's management efficiency is an essential part of evaluating and assessing the financial and operational performance of the entity. It is also vital to analyze Daily Journal's future growth prospects and the overall market conditions to determine the value and potential of its stock. The analysis involves studying a range of financial metrics such as revenue, earnings, profit margins, cash flow, debt, market share, and external factors such as economic trends, industry outlook, competition, and government regulations. The goal of Daily Stock analysis is to determine whether it is undervalued, fairly valued, or overvalued and to make informed investment decisions.
Operating Margin
Profit Margin
Return On Assets
Return On Equity

Technical Drivers

As of the 27th of July, Daily Journal shows the Downside Deviation of 1.76, mean deviation of 1.58, and Coefficient Of Variation of 470.01. Daily Journal Corp technical analysis allows you to utilize historical prices and volume patterns in order to determine a pattern that computes the direction of the firm's future prices.

Daily Journal Corp Price Movement Analysis

Execute Study
Incorrect Input. Please change your parameters or increase the time horizon required for running this function. The output start index for this execution was zero with a total number of output elements of zero. The Bollinger Bands is very popular indicator that was developed by John Bollinger. It consist of three lines. Daily Journal middle band is a simple moving average of its typical price. The upper and lower bands are (N) standard deviations above and below the middle band. The bands widen and narrow when the volatility of the price is higher or lower, respectively. The upper and lower bands can also be interpreted as price targets for Daily Journal Corp. When the price bounces off of the lower band and crosses the middle band, then the upper band becomes the price target.

Daily Journal Corp Insider Trading Activities

Some recent studies suggest that insider trading raises the cost of capital for securities issuers and decreases overall economic growth. Trading by specific Daily Journal insiders, such as employees or executives, is commonly permitted as long as it does not rely on Daily Journal's material information that is not in the public domain. Local jurisdictions usually require such trading to be reported in order to monitor insider transactions. In many U.S. states, trading conducted by corporate officers, key employees, directors, or significant shareholders must be reported to the regulator or publicly disclosed, usually within a few business days of the trade. In these cases Daily Journal insiders are required to file a Form 4 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) when buying or selling shares of their own companies.

Daily Journal Outstanding Bonds

Daily Journal issues bonds to finance its operations. Corporate bonds make up one of the largest components of the U.S. bond market, which is considered the world's largest securities market. Daily Journal Corp uses the proceeds from bond sales for a wide variety of purposes, including financing ongoing mergers and acquisitions, buying new equipment, investing in research and development, buying back their own stock, paying dividends to shareholders, and even refinancing existing debt. Most Daily bonds can be classified according to their maturity, which is the date when Daily Journal Corp has to pay back the principal to investors. Maturities can be short-term, medium-term, or long-term (more than ten years). Longer-term bonds usually offer higher interest rates but may entail additional risks.

Daily Journal Predictive Daily Indicators

Daily Journal intraday indicators are useful technical analysis tools used by many experienced traders. Just like the conventional technical analysis, daily indicators help intraday investors to analyze the price movement with the timing of Daily Journal stock daily movement. By combining multiple daily indicators into a single trading strategy, you can limit your risk while still earning strong returns on your managed positions.

Daily Journal Corporate Filings

24th of May 2024
Report filed with the SEC to announce major events that shareholders should know about
15th of May 2024
Quarterly performance report mandated by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), to be filed by publicly traded corporations
4th of April 2024
Other Reports
20th of February 2024
Report filed with the SEC to announce major events that shareholders should know about
12th of February 2024
An amended filing to the original Schedule 13G
29th of January 2024
An amended filing to the original Schedule 13G
17th of January 2024
Other Reports
29th of December 2023
Other Reports

Daily Journal Forecast Models

Daily Journal's time-series forecasting models are one of many Daily Journal's stock analysis techniques aimed at predicting future share value based on previously observed values. Time-series forecasting models ae widely used for non-stationary data. Non-stationary data are called the data whose statistical properties e.g. the mean and standard deviation are not constant over time but instead, these metrics vary over time. These non-stationary Daily Journal's historical data is usually called time-series. Some empirical experimentation suggests that the statistical forecasting models outperform the models based exclusively on fundamental analysis to predict the direction of the market movement and maximize returns from investment trading.

About Daily Stock Analysis

Stock analysis is the technique used by a trader or investor to examine and evaluate how Daily Journal prices is reacting to, or reflecting on a current market direction and economic conditions. It can be used to make informed decisions about market timing, and when buying or selling Daily shares will generate the highest return on investment. We also built our stock analysis module to help investors to gain an insight into the world economy as a whole, the stock market, thematic ideas. a specific sector, or an individual Stock such as Daily Journal. By using and applying Daily Stock analysis, traders can create a robust methodology for identifying Daily entry and exit points for their positions.
Last ReportedProjected for Next Year
Pretax Profit Margin 0.37  0.39 
Operating Profit Margin 0.11  0.09 
Net Profit Margin 0.29  0.30 
Gross Profit Margin 0.27  0.26 

Be your own money manager

As an investor, your ultimate goal is to build wealth. Optimizing your investment portfolio is an essential element in this goal. Using our stock analysis tools, you can find out how much better you can do when adding Daily Journal to your portfolios without increasing risk or reducing expected return.

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Additional Information and Resources on Investing in Daily Stock

When determining whether Daily Journal Corp offers a strong return on investment in its stock, a comprehensive analysis is essential. The process typically begins with a thorough review of Daily Journal's financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess its financial health. Key financial ratios are used to gauge profitability, efficiency, and growth potential of Daily Journal Corp Stock. Outlined below are crucial reports that will aid in making a well-informed decision on Daily Journal Corp Stock:
Check out Investing Opportunities to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in Daily Journal Corp. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in main economic indicators.
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Is Publishing space expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of Daily Journal. If investors know Daily will grow in the future, the company's valuation will be higher. The financial industry is built on trying to define current growth potential and future valuation accurately. All the valuation information about Daily Journal listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.
Quarterly Earnings Growth
Earnings Share
Revenue Per Share
Quarterly Revenue Growth
Return On Assets
The market value of Daily Journal Corp is measured differently than its book value, which is the value of Daily that is recorded on the company's balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of Daily Journal's value that differs from its market value or its book value, called intrinsic value, which is Daily Journal's true underlying value. Investors use various methods to calculate intrinsic value and buy a stock when its market value falls below its intrinsic value. Because Daily Journal's market value can be influenced by many factors that don't directly affect Daily Journal's underlying business (such as a pandemic or basic market pessimism), market value can vary widely from intrinsic value.
Please note, there is a significant difference between Daily Journal's value and its price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Investors typically determine if Daily Journal is a good investment by looking at such factors as earnings, sales, fundamental and technical indicators, competition as well as analyst projections. However, Daily Journal's price is the amount at which it trades on the open market and represents the number that a seller and buyer find agreeable to each party.