Archer Daniels Midland Stock Today

ADM Stock  USD 63.98  0.66  1.04%   


5 of 100


Odds Of Distress

Less than 6

Archer Daniels is selling at 63.98 as of the 27th of July 2024; that is 1.04% up since the beginning of the trading day. The stock's lowest day price was 63.14. Archer Daniels has only a 6 % chance of going through financial distress over the next few years but had a somewhat modest performance during the last 90 days. Note, on April 5, 2024, Representative Ro Khanna of US Congress acquired under $15k worth of Archer Daniels Midland's common stock.
Business Domain
Food, Beverage & Tobacco
IPO Date
5th of April 1983
Consumer Defensive
Consumer Staples
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company procures, transports, stores, processes, and merchandises agricultural commodities, products, and ingredients in the United States, Switzerland, Cayman Islands, Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and internationally. The company was founded in 1902 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. The company has 494.44 M outstanding shares of which 10.14 M shares are presently shorted by investors with about 2.11 days to cover. More on Archer Daniels Midland

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Archer Stock Highlights

ESG Sustainability
ChairmanJuan Luciano
Thematic Ideas
(View all Themes)
Business ConcentrationAgricultural Products & Services, Food, Beverage & Tobacco, Consumer Defensive, NYSE Composite, SP 500 Index, Food Products, Power Assets, Millennials Best, Consumer Staples, Food Products, Farm Products, Consumer Defensive (View all Sectors)
Excise Tax ActivitiesAnimal Testing
Average Analyst Recommendation
Financial Strength
Current ValueLast YearChange From Last Year 10 Year Trend
Return On Assets0.05290.0638
Significantly Down
Slightly volatile
Asset Turnover1.21.72
Way Down
Slightly volatile
Gross Profit Margin0.10.0669
Way Up
Pretty Stable
Net Debt5.1 B4.2 B
Fairly Up
Slightly volatile
Total Current Liabilities19.6 B18.7 B
Sufficiently Up
Slightly volatile
Non Current Liabilities Total6.8 B11.5 B
Way Down
Slightly volatile
Total Assets28 B54.6 B
Way Down
Slightly volatile
Total Current Assets15.3 B29.8 B
Way Down
Slightly volatile
Debt Levels
Archer Daniels can leverage the use of borrowed funds to amplify returns from an investment. In general, analyzing the relationship between debt to total assets helps investors to understand Archer Daniels' financial leverage. It provides some insight into what part of Archer Daniels' total assets is financed by creditors.
Archer Daniels Midland has 9.6 B in debt with debt to equity (D/E) ratio of 0.4, which is OK given its current industry classification. Archer Daniels Midland has a current ratio of 1.48, which is typical for the industry and considered as normal. Note however, debt could still be an excellent tool for Archer to invest in growth at high rates of return.


745.33 Million
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) is traded on New York Stock Exchange in USA. It is located in 77 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, United States, 60601 and employs 40,213 people. Archer Daniels is listed under Agricultural Products & Services category by Fama And French industry classification. The company currently falls under 'Large-Cap' category with a total capitalization of 31.31 B. Archer Daniels Midland runs under Food Products sector within Consumer Staples industry. The entity has 494.44 M outstanding shares of which 10.14 M shares are presently shorted by investors with about 2.11 days to cover. Archer Daniels Midland has about 1.04 B in cash with 4.46 B of positive cash flow from operations. This results in cash-per-share (CPS) ratio of 2.19.
Check Archer Daniels Probability Of Bankruptcy
Ownership Allocation
The majority of Archer Daniels Midland outstanding shares are owned by other corporate entities. These outside corporations are usually referred to as non-private investors looking to acquire positions in Archer Daniels Midland to benefit from reduced commissions. Consequently, institutional investors are subject to a different set of regulations than regular investors in Archer Daniels. Please pay attention to any change in the institutional holdings of Archer Daniels Midland as this could imply that something significant has changed or is about to change at the company. Please note that on April 5, 2024, Representative Ro Khanna of US Congress acquired under $15k worth of Archer Daniels Midland's common stock.
Check Archer Ownership Details

Archer Stock Institutional Holders

InstituionRecorded OnShares
Legal & General Group Plc2024-03-31
4.4 M
D. E. Shaw & Co Lp2024-03-31
4.1 M
Fmr Inc2024-03-31
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc2024-03-31
3.5 M
Bank Of New York Mellon Corp2024-03-31
3.5 M
First Trust Advisors L.p.2024-03-31
3.4 M
Proshare Advisors Llc2024-03-31
3.3 M
Moneta Group Investment Advisors Inc2023-12-31
3.2 M
Jacobs Levy Equity Management, Inc.2024-03-31
Vanguard Group Inc2024-03-31
67.8 M
State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins Co2024-03-31
46.8 M
View Archer Daniels Diagnostics

Archer Daniels Historical Income Statement

At this time, Archer Daniels' Income Before Tax is very stable compared to the past year. As of the 27th of July 2024, Total Other Income Expense Net is likely to grow to about 1.5 B, while Interest Expense is likely to drop about 366.2 M. View More Fundamentals

Archer Stock Against Markets

Archer Daniels Corporate Directors

Terrel CrewsIndependent DirectorProfile
Debra SandlerIndependent DirectorProfile
Francisco SanchezIndependent DirectorProfile
Michael BurkeIndependent DirectorProfile

Already Invested in Archer Daniels Midland?

The danger of trading Archer Daniels Midland is mainly related to its market volatility and Company specific events. As an investor, you must understand the concept of risk-adjusted return before you start trading. The most common way to measure the risk of Archer Daniels is by using the Sharpe ratio. The ratio expresses how much excess return you acquire for the extra volatility you endure for holding a more risker asset than Archer Daniels. The Sharpe ratio is calculated by using standard deviation and excess return to determine reward per unit of risk. To understand how volatile Archer Daniels Midland is, you must compare it to a benchmark. Traditionally, the risk-free rate of return is the rate of return on the shortest-dated U.S. Treasury, such as a 3-year bond.

Additional Information and Resources on Investing in Archer Stock

When determining whether Archer Daniels Midland is a strong investment it is important to analyze Archer Daniels' competitive position within its industry, examining market share, product or service uniqueness, and competitive advantages. Beyond financials and market position, potential investors should also consider broader economic conditions, industry trends, and any regulatory or geopolitical factors that may impact Archer Daniels' future performance. For an informed investment choice regarding Archer Stock, refer to the following important reports:
Check out Trending Equities to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in Archer Daniels Midland. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in unemployment.
You can also try the Pair Correlation module to compare performance and examine fundamental relationship between any two equity instruments.
Is Agricultural Products & Services space expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of Archer Daniels. If investors know Archer will grow in the future, the company's valuation will be higher. The financial industry is built on trying to define current growth potential and future valuation accurately. All the valuation information about Archer Daniels listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.
Quarterly Earnings Growth
Dividend Share
Earnings Share
Revenue Per Share
Quarterly Revenue Growth
The market value of Archer Daniels Midland is measured differently than its book value, which is the value of Archer that is recorded on the company's balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of Archer Daniels' value that differs from its market value or its book value, called intrinsic value, which is Archer Daniels' true underlying value. Investors use various methods to calculate intrinsic value and buy a stock when its market value falls below its intrinsic value. Because Archer Daniels' market value can be influenced by many factors that don't directly affect Archer Daniels' underlying business (such as a pandemic or basic market pessimism), market value can vary widely from intrinsic value.
Please note, there is a significant difference between Archer Daniels' value and its price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Investors typically determine if Archer Daniels is a good investment by looking at such factors as earnings, sales, fundamental and technical indicators, competition as well as analyst projections. However, Archer Daniels' price is the amount at which it trades on the open market and represents the number that a seller and buyer find agreeable to each party.