State Economic Indicators

NationBLSCensusPriceRateGDPInflationIndustryBEAPopulationFRBPersonsACSPPIMSAStateEstimateEmploymentRealHousingManufacturingMEIUnemploymentIncomeInterestPrivateBanksSaipeCommoditiesMedianCPINipaGoldEnergyMetalsPrice IndexStock MarketInvestmentCurrencyReal EstateAll Indicators
Labor Force Participation Rate New York61.30Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Alabama57.60Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Michigan62.30Percent
Current General Business Activity Diffusion Index Texas-15.1Index
Labor Force Participation Rate California62.00Percent
Future Capital Expenditures Diffusion Index New York3.10Index
Labor Force Participation Rate Mississippi54.00Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Florida58.90Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Kentucky57.40Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Texas64.30Percent
Unemployment Rate in Idaho Indicator3.40Percent
Unemployment Rate in Nebraska Indicator2.60Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Wisconsin65.50Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Massachusetts65.70Percent
Unemployment Rate in New Hampshire2.50Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Pennsylvania62.90Percent
Unemployment Rate in Wyoming Indicator2.90Percent
Unemployment Rate in Rhode Island4.30Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Tennessee59.50Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate West Virginia55.10Percent
Current New Orders Diffusion Index New York-0.6Index
Unemployment Rate in Delaware Indicator4.00Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Maryland65.40Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Minnesota67.80Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Maine59.60Percent
Unemployment Rate in Vermont Indicator2.10Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Illinois64.90Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Virginia66.20Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Utah68.60Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate North Carolina60.50Percent
Labor Force Participation Rate Ohio62.10Percent
Current Prices Paid Raw Materials Percentage Reporting Increases Texas32.50Percent
Current Prices Paid Diffusion Index New York26.50Index
Labor Force Participation Rate Indiana62.40Percent
Economic indicators are statistical data points that provide information about the overall health and performance of an economy. These indicators help economists, analysts, policymakers, and investors assess the current state and predict future trends in economic activity
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (

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