Interest Economic Indicators

NationBLSCensusPriceRateGDPInflationIndustryBEAPopulationFRBPersonsACSPPIMSAStateEstimateEmploymentRealHousingManufacturingMEIUnemploymentIncomeInterestPrivateBanksSaipeCommoditiesMedianCPINipaGoldEnergyMetalsPrice IndexStock MarketInvestmentCurrencyReal EstateAll Indicators
Federal Funds Effective Rate Indicator5.33Percent
10 Year Real Interest Rate Indicator2.05Percent
Moodys Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield5.13Percent
3 Month Treasury Bill Secondary Market Rate Discount Basis5.24Percent
Moodys Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield5.82Percent
Main United States4.31Percent
1 Year Real Interest Rate Indicator2.58Percent
10 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.19Percent
10 Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2 Year Treasury Constant Maturity-0.43Percent
Main Japan Indicator1.05Percent
Main Germany Indicator2.48Percent
Main United Kingdom4.16Percent
Market Yield on US Treasury Securities at 1 Year Constant Maturity5.11Percent
10 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Par Yield5.15Percent
Interest Rates Discount Rate China2.90Percent per Annum
1 Month Real Interest Rate Indicator3.67Percent
Main Euro Area Indicator3.17Percent
10 Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 3 Month Treasury Constant Maturity-1.2Percent
Market Yield on US Treasury Securities at 30 Year Constant Maturity4.44Percent
5 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate4.88Percent
Personal interest payments Indicator529.20Billions of Dollars
Interest Rates Discount Rate Turkey50.75Percent per Annum
10 Year Breakeven Inflation Rate2.26Percent
20 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.49Percent
Main Canada Indicator3.39Percent
1 Year Treasury Bill Secondary Market Rate Discount Basis4.87Percent
Market Yield on US Treasury Securities at 20 Year Constant Maturity4.54Percent
2 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Par Yield5.15Percent
Market Yield on US Treasury Securities at 10 Year Constant Maturity2.05Percent
Main France Indicator3.14Percent
Main Italy Indicator3.94Percent
Market Yield on US Treasury Securities at 3 Month Constant Maturity5.51Percent
Interest Rates 3 Month or 90 Day Rates and Yields Treasury Securities2.88Percent
Interest Rates Government Securities Treasury Bills Brazil10.32Percent per Annum
Market Yield on US Treasury Securities at 2 Year Constant Maturity4.74Percent
30 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.50Percent
Interest Rates Discount Rate Republic of Korea2.00Percent per Annum
Main Australia Indicator4.23Percent
5 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Par Yield4.89Percent
Market Yield on US Treasury Securities at 1 Month Constant Maturity5.46Percent
12 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.31Percent
1 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.38Percent
4 Week Treasury Bill Secondary Market Rate Discount Basis5.25Percent
5 Year Breakeven Inflation Rate2.21Percent
Market Yield on US Treasury Securities at 3 Year Constant Maturity4.50Percent
15 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.42Percent
100 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.58Percent
Interest Rates Government Securities Government Bonds United Kingdom4.22Percent per Annum
90 Day AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Interest Rate5.32Percent
Moodys Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield Relative to Yield on1.51Percent
Main Switzerland Indicator0.56Percent
10 Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus Federal Funds Rate-1.02Percent
Main Spain Indicator3.36Percent
30 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Par Yield5.41Percent
Main Mexico Indicator9.64Percent
Interest Rates Immediate Rates Call Money Interbank Rate Total Japan0.08Percent
6 Month Treasury Bill Secondary Market Rate Discount Basis5.15Percent
Main Greece Indicator3.64Percent
Interest Rates Government Securities Treasury Bills Mexico10.99Percent per Annum
3 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate4.98Percent
50 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.54Percent
Main Sweden Indicator2.26Percent
Interest Rates Discount Rate Brazil17.02Percent per Annum
90 Day AA Financial Commercial Paper Interest Rate5.28Percent
Main Korea Indicator3.34Percent
Discount Window Primary Credit Rate5.50Percent
Interest Rates Immediate Rates Prime Rates Total Canada7.20Percent
5 Year 5 Year Forward Inflation Expectation Rate2.30Percent
40 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.53Percent
2 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.14Percent
Main Ireland Indicator2.93Percent
Main Denmark Indicator2.49Percent
Moodys Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield Relative to Yield on0.82Percent
Moodys Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Minus Federal Funds Rate0.49Percent
Personal Income Receipts on Assets Personal Interest Income1,818Billions of Dollars
Main Luxembourg Indicator2.94Percent
25 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate5.49Percent
Main Norway Indicator3.54Percent
Main Poland Indicator5.73Percent
Main Portugal Indicator3.19Percent
7 Year High Quality Market Corporate Bond Spot Rate4.97Percent
Economic indicators are statistical data points that provide information about the overall health and performance of an economy. These indicators help economists, analysts, policymakers, and investors assess the current state and predict future trends in economic activity
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (

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