Manufacturing Indicators

NationBLSCensusPriceRateGDPInflationIndustryBEAPopulationFRBPersonsACSPPIMSAStateEstimateEmploymentRealHousingManufacturingMEIUnemploymentIncomeInterestPrivateBanksSaipeCommoditiesMedianCPINipaGoldEnergyMetalsPrice IndexStock MarketInvestmentCurrencyReal EstateAll Indicators
All Employees Manufacturing Indicator12,950Thousands of Persons
Durable Goods Indicator264,541Millions of Dollars
Total Manufacturing Indicator583,134Millions of Dollars
Nondefense Capital Goods Excluding Aircraft73,994Millions of Dollars
Total Construction Spending Manufacturing in the United States234,133Millions of Dollars
Motor Vehicles and Parts Indicator64,421Millions of Dollars
Average Weekly Hours of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees Manufacturing41.00Hours
Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees Manufacturing34.00Dollars per Hour
Consumer Goods Indicator251,823Millions of Dollars
Durable Goods Excluding Transportation188,696Millions of Dollars
Computers and Electronic Products25,232Millions of Dollars
Consumer Durable Goods Indicator48,223Millions of Dollars
Electrical Equipment Appliances and Components14,315Millions of Dollars
Durable Goods Excluding Defense247,634Millions of Dollars
Capital Goods Indicator79,797Millions of Dollars
Transportation Equipment Indicator75,845Millions of Dollars
Construction Materials and Supplies62,244Millions of Dollars
Machinery Indicator37,928Millions of Dollars
Information Technology Industries25,006Millions of Dollars
Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing277.30Base Jun 1985  100
Manufacturing with Unfilled Orders180,766Millions of Dollars
Nondefense Capital Goods Indicator65,202Millions of Dollars
Defense Capital Goods Indicator14,595Millions of Dollars
Furniture and Related Products6,904Millions of Dollars
Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing3,876Millions of Dollars
Electrical Equipment Manufacturing4,482Millions of Dollars
Ventilation Heating Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing5,155Millions of Dollars
Nondefense Aircraft and Parts Indicator-4,233Millions of Dollars
Defense Aircraft and Parts Indicator4,564Millions of Dollars
Household Appliance Manufacturing2,404Millions of Dollars
Other Electronic Component Manufacturing5,017Millions of Dollars
Mining Oil and Gas Field Machinery Manufacturing1,503Millions of Dollars
Nondurable Goods Indicator300,213Millions of Dollars
Electronic Computer Manufacturing1,027Millions of Dollars
Ships and Boats Indicator3,088Millions of Dollars
Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing1,323Millions of Dollars
Communications Equipment Indicator3,139Millions of Dollars
Electromedical Measuring and Control Instrument Manufacturing8,765Millions of Dollars
Manufacturing Excluding Defense566,142Millions of Dollars
Computers and Related Products2,256Millions of Dollars
Manufacturing Excluding Transportation487,835Millions of Dollars
Turbines Generators and Other Power Transmission Equipment3,812Millions of Dollars
All Other Durable Goods Indicator48,096Millions of Dollars
Gypsum Product Manufacturing Gypsum Building Materials356.75Base Dec 1993  100
Manufacturers Inventories to Sales Ratio1.47Ratio
Photographic Equipment Manufacturing604.00Millions of Dollars
Asphalt and Tar Paving Mixture Including Bitumen or Asphalt Concrete247.88Base Dec 2004  100
Real Manufacturing and Trade Industries Sales1,504,963Millions of Chained 2017 Dollars
Other Semiconductor Devices Including Transistors Diodes and Semiconductor Parts Such59.16Base Jun 1981  100
Capacity Utilization Manufacturing77.75Percent
Average Weekly Hours of All Employees Manufacturing40.20Hours
Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing394.71Base Dec 1979  100
Prepared Asphalt and Tar Roofing and Siding Products Including Saturated357.14Base Jun 1984  100
Polyurethane Foam Formed and Slab Stock Pillows Seating and Cushioning155.80Base Dec 2005  100
Average Hourly Earnings of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees Manufacturing27.79Dollars per Hour
Average Weekly Overtime Hours of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees Manufacturing3.60Hours
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing251.79Base Dec 1984  100
Cold Rolled Steel Sheet and Strip Made from Purchased Steel271.10Base Jun 1982  100
Flat Glass Made by Flat Glass Producers144.35Base Dec 1980  100
Thermoplastic Resins and Plastics Materials284.88Base Dec 1980  100
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing101.68Base Dec 2003  100
Industrial Gas Manufacturing Nitrogen236.54Base Jun 1981  100
Manufacturing Durable Goods Motor Vehicles and Parts111.59Base 2017  100
Job Openings Manufacturing Indicator603.00Level in Thousands
Pump and Compressor Manufacturing221.43Base Dec 2003  100
Parts and Attachments Mining Machinery and Equipment362.20Base Jun 1981  100
Manufacturing Indicator100.26Base 2017  100
Petroleum Lubricating Oils and Greases Refined Petroleum661.68Base Dec 1980  100
Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing135.70Base Dec 2003  100
Agricultural and Commercial Pesticides and Chemicals138.63Base Jun 2003  100
Aluminum Sheet Plate and Foil Manufacturing Aluminum Sheet Plate221.76Base Jun 1981  100
Carbon and Graphite Product Manufacturing237.87Base Jun 1985  100
Ready Mix Concrete Manufacturing391.15Base Jun 1981  100
Current General Business Conditions Diffusion Index New York-6.6Index
Fiber Optic Cable Made from Purchased Fiber Optic Strand86.15Base Dec 2003  100
Steel Product Manufacturing from Purchased Steel273.51Base Dec 2003  100
Electric Power and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing Primary Products423.67Base Jun 1981  100
Industrial Gas Manufacturing Oxygen585.70Base Jun 1981  100
Truck and Bus Pneumatic Tires185.00Base Jun 1981  100
Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing436.02Base Jun 1981  100
Manufacturers Total Inventories Total Manufacturing860,133Millions of Dollars
Manufacturing Nondurable Goods Food Beverage and Tobacco100.13Base 2017  100
Coextruded Single Web Film Flexible Packaging Uses162.44Base Jun 2007  100
Special Purpose Coatings Including Marine Industrial Construction and Maintenance Coatings517.99Base Jun 1983  100
Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing Plastics Water Pipe394.30Base Jun 1987  100
Manufacturers Inventories Indicator860,133Millions of Dollars
Total Shipments of New Manufactured Homes Total Homes101.00Thousands
Manufacturing Nondurable Goods Chemical106.55Base 2017  100
Air Conditioning Refrigeration and Forced Air Heating Equipment Manufacturing298.52Base Dec 1982  100
Folding Paperboard Boxes Packaging and Packaging Components238.00Base Dec 1983  100
Motor and Generator Manufacturing289.30Base Jun 1983  100
Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials Manufacturing355.03Base Dec 1984  100
Corrugated Shipping Containers All Other End Uses431.90Base Mar 1980  100
Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing124.00Base Jun 1991  100
Manufacturers Value of Shipments Total Manufacturing584,805Millions of Dollars
Manufacturers Sales Indicator584,805Millions of Dollars
Iron and Steel Products71.00Percent
Fertilizer Manufacturing Indicator243.15Base Dec 2003  100
Glass Container Manufacturing Glass Containers203.33Base Dec 2003  100
Synthetic Resin and Rubber Adhesives Including All Types of Bonding371.31Base Dec 1983  100
Economic indicators are statistical data points that provide information about the overall health and performance of an economy. These indicators help economists, analysts, policymakers, and investors assess the current state and predict future trends in economic activity
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (

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