Stock Market Indicators

NationBLSCensusPriceRateGDPInflationIndustryBEAPopulationFRBPersonsACSPPIMSAStateEstimateEmploymentRealHousingManufacturingMEIUnemploymentIncomeInterestPrivateBanksSaipeCommoditiesMedianCPINipaGoldEnergyMetalsPrice IndexStock MarketInvestmentCurrencyReal EstateAll Indicators
Financial Market Share Prices United States168.49Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total United States-0.45Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Korea136.50Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices United Kingdom124.58Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices China81.68Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Germany122.82Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Euro Area143.17Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Germany-1.79Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Japan177.81Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Korea1.34Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total China-3.49Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices France154.20Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Australia141.51Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices India280.87Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Canada152.32Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Brazil243.79Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Italy158.72Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Euro Area-1.83Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Austria153.29Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices South Africa150.91Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total United Kingdom-1.31Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Japan0.68Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total India3.88Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total South Africa-0.05Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Canada-1.73Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Turkiye1,295Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Poland165.16Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Switzerland134.54Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Mexico120.55Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Spain102.04Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Denmark270.03Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total France-4.47Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Norway246.57Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Greece193.11Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Italy-1.78Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Brazil-4.13Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Sweden191.03Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Australia0.37Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Turkey0.16Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Ireland154.73Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Finland118.95Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Portugal183.56Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Chile176.25Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Netherlands174.87Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Russia190.10Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Indonesia140.33Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Czech Republic-1.07Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Switzerland2.16Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Slovenia207.20Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Luxembourg86.77Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Finland-1.34Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Iceland179.92Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Norway-0.23Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Chile-1.58Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total New Zealand0.10Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Israel-2.87Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Czechia154.01Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Israel116.64Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Austria-1.11Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Belgium-3.63Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Netherlands1.97Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Portugal-1.59Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Russia-6.2Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices New Zealand152.80Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Indonesia-3.78Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Iceland-1.03Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Hungary2.21Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Belgium106.23Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Denmark4.84Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Poland-1.24Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Sweden-0.42Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Ireland-4.12Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Mexico-6.62Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Estonia204.89Base 2015  100
Financial Market Share Prices Slovak Republic118.71Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Luxembourg-2.62Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Spain-0.58Growth rate previous period
Financial Market Share Prices Hungary333.34Base 2015  100
All Shares Broad Total Greece-2.81Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Slovenia5.17Growth rate previous period
All Shares Broad Total Estonia-6.46Growth rate same period previous year
All Shares Broad Total Slovak Republic-0.34Growth rate previous period
Economic indicators are statistical data points that provide information about the overall health and performance of an economy. These indicators help economists, analysts, policymakers, and investors assess the current state and predict future trends in economic activity
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (

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