High Yield Bond Companies By Last Dividend

Last Dividend Paid
Last Dividend PaidEfficiencyMarket RiskExp Return
1RSF RiverNorth Specialty Finance
2JGH Nuveen Global High
3BGH Barings Global Short
4HYI Western Asset High
5HYB New America High
6CIK Credit Suisse Asset
7DHF BNY Mellon High
The analysis above is based on a 90-day investment horizon and a default level of risk. Use the Portfolio Analyzer to fine-tune all your assumptions. Check your current assumptions here.
Last Dividend Paid refers to dividend per share(DPS) paid to the shareholder the last time dividends were issued by a company. In its conventional sense, dividends refer to the distribution of some of a company's net earnings or capital gains decided by the board of directors. Many stable companies today pay out dividends to their shareholders in the form of the income distribution, but high-growth firms rarely offer dividends because all of their earnings are reinvested back to the business.